home school

Homeschooling 101: The Benefits of Online Tutoring

benefits of homeschooling Considering the number of assignments students need to take care of during a term, it sometimes becomes quite important for them to seek a professional's assistance who would teach them a bit about time management and help them understand different concepts. That's when most students consider making use of online tutoring services.

Sometimes, students choose tutoring services on their own; on other occasions, parents take this responsibility to ensure that their kids don't have to struggle with a particular area of learning. Whatever the case, it is a fact that online tutoring offers numerous benefits that play a big role in improving students' learning abilities. Here is a bit more about different benefits associated with online tutoring.

  • Live Interaction is probably the most impressive benefit associated with online tutoring. Many people have always been against of 'distance learning' models because they believe that it keeps students from enjoying the benefits that are associated with face-to-face interaction. Considering the use of modern technologies in online tutoring, it has become possible for tutors to interact with each student. Not only can tutors interact with students, but students can also communicate and share ideas with other students. Moreover, the use of video and voice conferencing software has made it easier and quicker to communicate with tutors.
  • Online tutoring is often more beneficial as compared to traditional tutoring because students have easy access to a large variety of resources. Students can interact with each others using multimedia resources, and, at the same time, they can make use of the wealth of informative and educational materials available online.
  • You don't have to go through a lot of hassle to find a qualified tutor for yourself. Even parents can conduct a simple search online and shortlist a few tutors. Here, it becomes easier to find a specialist who could teach a particular subject with authority. This is usually quite difficult when you have to go out and hire a tutor to come to your house for regular visits.
  • Online tutoring is available in different forms, and anyone can use them as per their needs and budget constraint. For instance, some students are good in math or English, but they sometimes need help to understand a particular topic. It means they don't need regular tutoring, but they simply need a professional to help them learn a few important concepts. That's where you can go online and hire a tutor for a couple of hours or sessions. You don't have to continue with tutoring once you have completely understood a topic.
  • Yet another impressive benefit of online tutoring is that different service providers have tutors available 24/7 – they are qualified but are from different countries, so someone is always there to help. What it means is that students don't have to work as per a tutor's schedule, but they can start a tutoring session whenever they are free in the day. Similarly, some students are comfortable studying at night, but they cannot enjoy this luxury in traditional tutoring model – online tutoring is just what doctor ordered for them.
  • The biggest benefit of online tutoring is that though you will have qualified tutors to learn from, you will be able to study without having to leave your home, or the comfort of familiar surroundings. For some students, it's difficult to study when they leave their study room or go to a new location. It is a fact that your learning abilities improve when you are comfortable and your mind is at ease, which is why it sometimes become difficult to study in unfamiliar surroundings. This will not be a problem with online tutoring. You can study from exactly where you are, and a tutor will deliver lectures online.

There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that online tutoring enjoys a growing record of facilitating long-lasting learning with a number of interesting benefits – both logistical and educational – over traditional tutoring and face-to-face education. The only thing you need to bear in mind is that these benefits of online tutoring will come your way if you take your time and conduct some research before selecting a service provider. Make sure you opt for an experienced company where they have qualified tutors for one-to-one assistance.

This is a guest post by Sonia Jackson. Sonia writes for the Australian web-site http://www.essay-bag.com which provides well-written and quality essays and research papers for college and university students.

Private Tutors- Are They Worth It?

are tutors worth it
are tutors worth it

Do tutors make a difference? Are they worth the cost? Should you hire a tutor for your child?

These are just some of the questions that millions of parents ask themselves each year.

In today's guest post, written by Biljana Dimovska, we'll address some of these questions and concerns.

What is a private tutor?

Private tutors are teachers who are hired to help children individually with their school work. A tutor may help with math, English, or any school. If your child is currently dealing with difficulties regarding certain subjects in school, then consider looking into getting a private tutor. However, just like most parents, you are probably worried about your child's grades and if a tutor is really worth hiring. There can be both pros and cons of tutor hiring, and sometimes it is hard to be certain they are really doing their job right.

Are Tutors The Right Choice

The biggest question among parents is if a tutor can really help their children with their math, science, history, or any other  subject. The truth behind all of this is that math tutors for example, are very much worth hiring. If they are professional and helpful, they can really help your child. Their job is to make the child understand a certain subject much better. Teachers usually do not have the time to always help each individual child to learn well all that is required, so a tutor can help with the learning process. Some kids may need extensive help while another kid may need just a quick brush up to understand how to solve a certain math question. Professional tutors do their job well. When the child and the parents are cooperative, then success is the outcome.

First of all, tutors are usually just coaches and/or motivational speakers. They can help motivate your child to learn more, understand more, and get better grades. If your child has a teacher that does not focus on his or her education enough, then a tutor can help them feel more important in the schooling world. Sometimes, a young kid just needs a slight push from a teacher to help them learn with confidence. Tutors do more than just teaching; they can pave the way for a child to develop more skills that can help in the future education ambitions.

Benefits of private tutors

The main benefit is that private tutors can help adapt the teaching process to your child needs. If your kid needs to be taught in a specific way, a professional you hire can adjust the learning process to fit. You can also find math tutors and other teachers who can help your child with the subject they are mainly failing at. There are so many benefits, ranging from your child getting better grades at school to having your kid simply "get it" when they are learning. It is truly a wonderful way to help him learn and enjoy the teaching process along the way.

Hiring a professional tutor is simply the greatest favor you can do to your child if he's are just not succeeding at school. All tutors, including  math tutors do more than just teach; they can inspire. Finding the right tutor doesn't have to be hard. There are some online sources for professional tutors in your area of living and others that are in your child's school already. The only thing you have to do is read their references and maybe talk to other parents with similar issues and ask for recommendation. Your child will thank you later.

Biljana Dimovska
Biljana Dimovska

Biljana Dimovska is an online writer and a researcher investigating best steps a parent should be taking towards improving his or her child education. She has been researching the online sources of information for suitable professional tutor services worldwide and the quality of service they provide. You can find updates of her recently published work on her Google + profile.

The 11 Plus Exams Are Coming: 3 Signs You're Prepared

11 plus exam is my child ready? As an 11 plus exam tutor, I regularly see the the upside and the downside of the 11 plus frenzy.

  On the upside, there's the excitement of preparing for the exams, the curiosity of whether your child (or student) will pass and the   potential for a child's life to be changed when they obtain a place at their dream school.

However, there's a very big downside.

The endless worry of whether your child will obtain a place. The anguish of watching them go through one of the toughest learning  experiences of their life and the fear that they might not do as well as expected.

It's a roller coaster ride that doesn't end until your answers have been resolved.

At this time of year parents wonder whether their child is ready for the exams and this is usually the period where tutors like myself, receive the greatest level of enquiries.

My inbox is flooded with requests and my waiting list is jam packed.

It's that time when parents, teachers, tutors and students worry constantly about the exams.

So how do you know if your child is ready? 

There are three simple signs that shed light on how prepared your child is.

1. They know all of the VR types.

2. They know the exam entails- they know whether they're sitting the English, Maths, NVR and/or Verbal Reasoning paper.

3. They've done heaps of practice and are scoring at least 85% on average. Scoring less than this at this stage is a cause for concern in my opinion. If your child isn't hitting the 85% mark, it's a sign that they definitely need to do more practice.

For parents who are teaching their child themselves and aren't hiring a tutor, I strongly recommend buying/downloading as many of the 11 plus practice papers as possible.

If you're a parent who really wants to their child to succeed in the exams then I suggest signing up to the early access list for my 11+ success book. The book is a guide for parents who want to learn about what it really takes to get your child into a top school.

In the book, I spill the beans on all of my top tips, recommendations and advice which is all based on years of preparing students for the exams.

Click here to sign up to the early access list (just enter your name and email and click the 'sign up' button). Once the book is complete, I'll email you the link to download it for FREE.

If you'd like to ask a question about the 11+ exams, leave a comment below.

The Tutoress.

On The Green Eyed Monster

green eyed monster- jealousy and tutoring The green eyed monster.

No, it's not just something we read about in Shakespeare or see in nightmares. It's real and it's inside most if not all of us.

We look at others and think: How comes they can do XYZ and I can't? How comes their child is topic of the class and mine's last? How comes I'm not the super parent or super tutor that I'd dreamed of being?

When the green eyed monster rears it's ugly head, we feel his presence and it's usually so overbearing that it takes over us!

So what do you do when you're hit by jealousy, envy or the feeling of malice towards others?

You inhale. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that yes, other people might seem like perfect achievers with perfect children or perfect lesson plans but they're not you! You have your own unique gifts and talents that make you special and those are the gifts that you need to leverage.

There will always be people who are smarter, better educated, more skilled etc, but that doesn't mean that you're not a good enough parent, teacher or tutor.

Write down 5 skills that you have and take time to think about how you can accentuate those skills. How can you turn your good gifts into great ones?

Now it's over to you. Have you ever felt jealous of another person's success? Have you ever felt as if you weren't doing things the 'right way'? How did you handle it? Leave a comment below. Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter for free education and tutoring resources.

The Tutoress

Getting Your Child To Read: 3 Simple But Effective Tips For Boosting Reading Skills

  • 'My child refuses to read when I tell him/her to!'
  • 'My child just doesn't enjoy reading!'
  • 'I don't know how to get my child to read!'

teaching your child to read

These are three hugely common statements that parents make when it comes to encouraging their child rot read more. As a tutor and educator, I can't stress enough the importance of reading especially at primary level. Reading is crucial- fact.

So why are so many children reluctant to read?

There are a few reasons for this:

For some children, reading is deemed a chore- something that they're forced to do because adults tell them. Comparatively, some children struggle with reading and need that extra bit of care and attention so that they can improve their reading skills. Furthermore, some children are excellent readers but struggle to understand and comprehend the books they've read. The words go in one ear and out the other.

Solution #1: The Mixer Strategy

Make reading fun! Put some effort into combining reading based activities with hobbies that your child genuinely enjoys. For example, if your child loves to sing, could you create or find a reading activity that uses or incorporates music? If your child loves history, why not encourage them to read history-inspired books that interest them (The Horrible History series is a great place to start).

Solution #2: The Specificity Technique

Use incentives to encourage them to read more often. When you tell a child to read, don't just tell them 'to read!' What I mean by this is that saying, 'go and read' to a child doesn't communicate a clear goal for them. Instead of 'go and read' be specific! Replace the phrase, 'go and read' with something far more specific like: 'go and read the next thirty pages of Pig Heart Boy.' See how the second statement is far more effective because it tells the child exactly what to do. Be specific. Give your child crystal clear directions so that they know what to do. I call this the specificity technique- try it and apply it to every direction you give your child.

Solution #3: Channelling 

So your child reads a book, you then ask them a few questions about the book and find that the expression on their face is one of bemusement. In other words, your child can read well but has absolutely no idea what they've read! Their comprehension skills are lacking and you have no idea what to do about it. What do you do? Simple. You follow this one simple but effective strategy- one that I've termed channelling. The gap in time between a child reading a story and answering questions on that story can seem quite a while for some children. The channelling technique simply involves asking the child questions during the course of their reading rather than after it. For instance, your child could read one page and then answer questions on that page, read another and answer questions, and so forth. By following this technique, your child is constantly remaining engaged with the text and is far more likely to understand, appreciate and remember what they learn.

Which technique did you find to be most useful? Try the above techniques and tell me in the comments below how they worked for you.

The Tutoress