How To Help Your Child Pass Their 12+ Exam

The 12+ exams are a significant milestone for many children on their educational journey. These exams, which typically take place when a child is in Year 6, can determine whether they are accepted into their desired secondary school. As a parent, it is natural to want to help your child succeed, but it can be challenging to know where to start. In this article, we will discuss some strategies to help your child pass the 12+ exams.

  1. Understand the Exam

It is important for you to understand what the 12+ exam entails in order to help your child pass it. The 12+ exams can vary depending on the school, but they usually include tests in Maths, English, and reasoning skills. These exams are designed to test a child's knowledge and skills and are usually taken in Year 6.

  1. Start Early

It is never too early to prepare your child for the 12+ exams. Even if your child is in Year 5, it is a smart idea to introduce them to the types of questions they will be asked. This will help them become familiar with the exam format and will reduce any anxiety they may feel about taking the exam.

  1. Provide Resources

There are many resources available to help your child prepare for the 12+ exams. These resources include practice papers, textbooks, and online resources. Make sure to provide your child with the resources they need to succeed. You can also work with their school or tutor to find the most suitable resources for your child.

  1. Develop Good Study Habits

It is crucial that your child develops good study habits in order to succeed in the 12+ exams. Encourage your child to study regularly and create a study schedule that works for them. Make sure they have a quiet and comfortable place to study and eliminate any distractions.

  1. Focus on Weaknesses

Identifying your child's weaknesses is essential for helping them pass the 12+ exams. Work with them to identify areas where they need improvement and focus on those areas. This can include providing additional resources, hiring a tutor, or working with their teacher to develop a plan for improvement.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is crucial for 12+ exam success. Encourage your child to practice as much as possible. This can include working through practice papers, solving maths problems, and improving their reading skills. The more they practice, the more confident they will become in their abilities.

  1. Develop Reasoning Skills

Reasoning skills are an essential component of the 12+ exams. These skills include verbal and non-verbal reasoning, which can be challenging for some children. Work with your child to develop their reasoning skills through practice papers and exercises.

  1. Encourage Reading

Reading is an essential component of the 12+ exams, as many questions involve comprehension and understanding. Encourage your child to read as much as possible, both fiction and non-fiction. This will help them develop their vocabulary, comprehension skills, and critical thinking abilities.

  1. Build Confidence

Building confidence is crucial to helping your child pass the 12+ exams. Encourage them to believe in themselves and their abilities. Celebrate their successes and offer support when they face challenges. A confident child is more likely to perform well in the exam.

  1. Stay positive.

Finally, it is essential to stay positive throughout the exam preparation process. Avoid putting too much pressure on your child and focus on their progress. Remember that every child is different, and some need more support. Stay positive and encourage and support the process.

In summary, helping your child pass the 12+ exams requires a plethora of resources, practice, and support.