11 plus tuition

Could Cheap Tuition Be Harming Your Child's Education?

I hear it time and time again.

'Your prices are high'

'Tuition is too expensive!'

'I'm just looking for a cheap tutor'

Many parents seem to have a mindset that cheaper is better. But is that really the case?

Do you really think it's safe or wise to place your precious child into the hands of a person who you've hired solely because they're inexpensive?

Do you really believe that it's smart to trust a total stranger to teach your child if they're being underpaid?

Let's reverse roles for a second.

Imagine you're not a parent but instead you're a tutor who is trying to make a living by teaching their knowledge/expertise/wisdom to others. Someone contacts you by phone or email to ask whether you'd be available to teach their child. You say 'yes' and you travel to the parents home to teach. You arrive there and your told that your fees are too high and the parent begs you to charge a few pounds/dollars less. You say 'yes' because you don't want to seem rude or ill-mannered and you start the lesson.

Whilst you'd initially headed over to the house feeling excited about meeting new people, teaching a new student and making a difference. You now feel a little bit different. You feel glum and unmotivated. Naturally, you move from wanting to give your absolute all into teaching this new pupil to feeling far less motivated to teach at an optimal level. Rather than putting in 100% of your energy into the student, you're so bogged down by the fact that you're being underpaid that you put about 70% into the lesson.

Now, step out of the tutors shoes and be a parent again.

Has the 'cheap' parent in this case actually benefited from hiring a 'cheap tutor'?

Realistically, should such a parent expect any tutor (irregardless of experience) to put 100% of their efforts into teaching the student if they're being underpaid?

I'm always amazed that so many parents only think about private tuition from their own viewpoint and they never for one moment consider things from the perspective of the tutor.

The frank truth is that you get what you pay for and if you hire a cheap tutor one of these three things will indefinitely happen:

  • The tutor won't give your child 100% of their time and effort. Ultimately, they won't spend money buying, photocopying or printing education resources because they simply can't afford to. That means that your child will receive an inferior level of tuition.
  • They'll stick around for a brief period, will teach your child for a few weeks or months and then they'll leave.
  • Another parent who's willing to pay the tutor a higher fee will snap the tutor up and the tutor will gladly stop teaching your child.

Just think about how chaotic it would be for a tutor to stop teaching your child a few weeks before their big exam.

It's clear to see that basing your tutor selection on price alone causes havoc both on a long and short term basis.

If you're a smart and savvy parent who really cares about how well their child does, you won't pick a tutor because he/she is 'cheap' or because you can intimidate them into accepting a lower wage.

The moral is that you get what you pay for and quality tutors are not cheap. They're pricey for a reason.

Now I want to hear from you:

Parents, have you hired a cheap tutor? What was the outcome? Leave a comment below.

Tutors, have you been asked to teach for a cheaper fee? Again, leave a comment below and share your experience.

Compound Words List (Ideal For 11+ Exams)

If you've been looking for a compound word list to help your child prepare for their 11+ or SATs exams, you're in the right place.

I've created one which includes 100 of the most popular compound words.

Many of these words have appeared on 11+ Verbal Reasoning and English papers over the past few years so it's important for your child to familiarise themselves with these words.

Here are some examples of popular 11+ compound words to help your child get started.

Food Words

  • Pancakes

  • Pineapple

  • Gingerbread

  • Butterscotch

  • Watermelon

  • Cupcakes

  • Popcorn

Plants, nature and herbs

  • Peppermint

  • Sunflower

  • Gooseberry

  • Strawberry

  • Blueberry

  • Bayberry


  • Football

  • Basketball

  • Netball

  • Baseball

  • Skateboarding

  • Snowball

  • Volleyball

Click here to download the full 100 compound word list .

If you'd like me to create more free 11+ resources, tell me what you'd like to see by leaving a comment below.

Christmas wishes,

The Tutoress

Our First Ever Video!

As you probably know, we're gearing up for the launch of our intensive 11 plus summer course. It's an incredibly exciting time and we're super excited to be working on the curriculum and content. I also wanted to share that a video that explains more about the course and gives you a bit of insight into what it offers.

We really believe in providing our customers with the best and we know how important the 11+ exams are. They change lives. They nourish minds. They open doors.

If you're a parent who's thinking about preparing their child for the 11 plus, please watch our video and feel free to share it with friends and family who might also be interested.

Here it is!

Ps. If you'd like to book a place for your child click here. Spaces are filling up fast and it looks like we'll be fully booked within the next few weeks! If you don't want your child to miss out, I highly recommend signing up today!

11 Plus Intensive Course

11 plus intensive course
11 plus intensive course

Many parents have asked about the possibility of me organising an intensive 11 plus course this year.

After some contemplation I realised that an intensive course would be a brilliant idea because it enables students to learn both independently and with other students. Furthermore, it allows students to compare their progress with that of other students who'll be taking the same exams.

This year was the first year where I taught more group tuition lessons and I discovered quite quickly that group tuition is excellent because it enables students to learn from each other. For instance, I had two students who were both preparing for 11+ exams at very competitive private and grammar schools. I realised that where one student was weak, the other was strong and vice versa. It therefore made perfect sense to teach them simultaneously because it enabled them to identify their own strengths and observe how the other student approached certain questions.

The result of this particular group tuition was that both students were offered places at the schools they'd applied for. One was offered a very generous scholarship for one of the best private schools in London. Without having studied together I doubt both students would have done as well as they did.

This experience really opened by eyes to the benefits of group tuition and intensive courses and now I'm a huge advocate of them.

If your child is preparing for the 11+ exams, I highly recommend considering enrolling them in an intensive or group course like the one I'm holding. My course starts on the 19th of August and parents have the option of having their child partake in either one or two weeks of the course. I strongly recommend two weeks because we'll be thoroughly preparing the children for the exams and we'll teach them more or less everything they need to know about them.

For more information on the 11+ intensive courseclick here. Places are limited and from the looks of it, spaces will probably be sold out very quickly. I therefore recommend booking your child's place now.

After booking, I'll send you a confirmation email as well as further details about the course such as information on the venue and location etc.